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  • Our 2022 Sustainability Report

    Producing Renewable Energy  for a Sustainable Future

    This just might be the best way to accelerate renewable energy around the world with the lowest carbon footprint while creating thousands of jobs at scale. 
ESG Investing /

There is ANEW High Impact Way Forward.

OVERVIEW: We came into renewable energy business in 2003 with thoughts of a better way to solve climate change.  After years in the global semiconductor business, then many more years building products in SE Asia and North America, we have a plan.  The plan is simple.  Build a highly automated factory that can be copied around the world.  Stop and listen to the market and build something where the common man can purchase to do their part in fighting the climate crisis.  With this approach we can create upstream and downstream resulting in thousands of stainable jobs. ANEW Energy has developed solutions to bring forward at scale that include; Hydrogen Wind, Water, Solar, Storage & Distribution Products with supporting Services.  We break down our commercialization process into 3 phases that start with building a product that have a 50 year service life.    We are heading into Phase II that delivers light volume production capacity while delivering products that have satisfying all overarching regulatory oversight.   

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT:The Rocky Mountain Institute states that it takes more than 3X times more carbon based energy needed to create a Kilo of Aluminum -vs- Stainless Steel.  What does this mean?  We see a drive to build products out of stainless steel and high performance plastic which has a lower impact on the environment.  

SOCIAL IMPACT:  We discovered that we take our many decades of manufacturing experience for granite and decided that it is very important included an educational component with our products and services to our customers and our partners around the world.  When we bring a plan that creates a learn to earn solution to all stakeholders, the chance for success goes up across the board.

GOVERNANCE:  We understand regulatory oversight. On the capital size of things we are working to satisfy the following criteria;  Climate Bonds Standard and Certification Scheme  that it is consistent with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement  Environmental Management Systems, ISO 14001 Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001),  Water Efficiency Management Systems (ISO 46001), Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001) Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001), UL/CE Certifications.  On the employment side of the business, we will follow the The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity prohibiting employment discrimination.

EARTH ABUNDANT MATERIALS: Everything we use to build these products requires energy to harvest the raw materials, then turn them into something we can stamp out of metal, or mold out of plastic.  For each of these raw materials, we need to transport them from where they originate, then make them with energy and install them into the final product.