Our Products Are Wildlife and Human Friendly
In 2019, our home state of Colorado made a commitment to 100% renewable by 2035. We immediately met with the US Forest Service since the largest energy consumers in the state are the ski resorts. The resorts asked for a low profile turbine that could sync with their power grid, while the USFS asked for a turbine that was wildlife friendly and colored Forest Service Green. We listened, then responded. We also considered infrastructure upgrades to support new power generation equipment both structural and electrical. The ANEW Energy wind turbine adapts to most power grids without any grid tie equipment. We do this with some high speed AC/DC switching. With this approach, plug and play power generation is the next evolution in syncing wind with solar.
At ANEW Energy, we acknowledge that one of the most important issues impacting our planet is climate change. While the renewable energy industry is already among the cleanest and most energy efficient in the world, we are doing our part to reduce our GHG emissions. We are making progress on our goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions 25% by 2030 from formation in 2017 levels. Our company plans to report on our progress annually. Our Strategy and Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors—chaired by our Chairman, President and CEO—oversees ANEW Energy ESG-related risks and opportunities, including climate change.